Main » 2012»July»23 » Republicans Spread Despair by Blocking Bill to Bring Jobs Home
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Republicans Spread Despair by Blocking Bill to Bring Jobs Home
One facet of being a patriotic American is looking out for the nation’s best interests at all times and particularly the interests of the people. Indeed, so-called patriots in the Bush administration cited protecting Americans’ as one reason for going to war in Iraq and Afghanistan that garnered support from the populace because they believed fighting terrorists “over there” was preferable to endangering Americans at home. Republicans have not shown much interest in protecting Americans’ jobs though, and even less so when it comes to creating new jobs as they promised in the lead-up to the 2010 midterm elections. In fact, when Democrats and President Obama sought to eliminate tax breaks for companies that sent jobs overseas, Republicans fought to protect corporate profits and foreign jobs to keep unemployment numbers high. Over the past two weeks, news of Romney’s record of outsourcing American jobs has elicited denials, deflections, and accusations of dirty campaign tactics, but the practice of sending Americans’ jobs overseas is a staple of Republican, and Romney’s, corporate-friendly agenda for some time.