I will also post my Huffington Post on Mother's Day last year explaining why all five of these feminist warhawks: Madeleine Albright; Condi Rice, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and Samantha Power should be seen for what they are. Abby Martin's right to call these women all warmongers but unfortunately a large number of "progressives" cannot understand how women could be this way. These multi-millionaire females share no common interests with the 99% of other Americans and they got their money by supporting illegal, wrongful wars and the killing of children. "
"Just as good ole' boys networks always played their role for men gaining and wielding power, it's definitely a small world for these five most powerful women who all have significant ties to each other, beyond their State Department and foreign policy advisor status. Condi Rice and Susan Rice only happen to share the same last name but are otherwise not related. But Madeleine Albright's father, international relations Professor Josef Korbel, was Condi Rice's academic mentor. Albright is a long-standing close friend of Clinton, endorsed her in her 2008 campaign for U.S. President and now serves as Clinton's top informal advisor on foreign policy matters.
Albright has also been a longtime mentor and family friend to Susan Rice. Although Susan Rice was not the first choice of Congressional Black Caucus leaders, who considered her a member of "Washington's assimilationist black elite," Albright urged Clinton to appoint her as Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs in 1997."