Jon Stewart Bashes Fox News Stuart Varney
Jon Stewart provided a clinic in economics and morality for Fox News’ Stuart Varney. Last month Pope Francis excoriated unfettered capitalism and trickle-down economics. He called it the ‘New Tyranny’. It is obvious that would put many on the Right into an utter state of hysteria. Rush Limbaugh went into a state of hyperventilation. Fox News did not know what to do. After-all last week they were all about the President abrogating church rights. What about now?
Turns out Jon Stewart wondered if he could get an argument against the minimum wage. Of course he turned to Fox News Stuart Varney. Varney did not disappoint. Varney asked Juan Williams for an economic argument for the minimum wage increase not based on need to feed a family or emotion. Really?
That baffled Jon Stewart. “That is the type of statement that is usually followed by the dead business partner and the ghost of Christmas past, present, and future. Alright. Alright. We have heard the argument that you need it to feed your family. Fine, I’ve got that. Let’s hear the argument treating it as if you are not human,” he said.
Stuart Varney then asks Juan Williams to make a moral judgment as to whether someone without a diploma or right out of school deserves $15.00 an hour. Of course Varney never asks one to makes a moral judgment as to whether a plutocrat should be making millions while drinking tea at his pool. He never asks one to make the moral judgment of a CEO making over 300 times his workers’ wages for doing little. He does not ask one to make a moral judgment of a system that rewards capital more so than human beings.
It is then that Jon Stewart introduces the enlightened words of Pope Francis’ attack on trickle-down economics and on unfettered capitalism. He then plays the video where a pompous Stuart Vaney says he disagrees with the Pope who does not like free market capitalism. “Free market capitalism is a great liberator,” Varney said.
He then segues to Larry Kudlow who said that he disagreed with the Pope. “With all due humility and as a church going catholic convert, devotional convert, I adore the Holy Father. I still must completely disagree. Need I remind His Holiness Pope Francis, charity is a gospel value and that puts free market capitalism on the right side of the Lord,” Kudlow said.
Jon Stewart then retorted, “Who said you can’t serve both God and money. Who would say such a thing?” Of course Jon Stewart then displayed an image of Jesus.
Stewart then goes back to Stuart Varney accusation that the Pope is indulging in politics. “I personally do not want my spiritual life mixed up with my political life. I go to church to save my soul.”, Varney said.
Jon Stewart’s ending is classic. “I do think we have some common ground here. I think we both actually agree that some people are being paid too much money to shovel unappetizing unhealthy shit to the American public. We just disagree about who those people are and where they work””, Stewart said as he displays a picture of Stuart Varney and Larry Kudlow.