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Liberals Face a Hard Day’s Knight?

Harper's magazine's March 2014 cover. (Illustration: Tim Bower)

That’s a pretty pathetic knight up there on the cover of the March issue of Harper’s Magazine. Battered and defeated, his shield in pieces, he’s slumped and saddled backwards on a Democratic donkey that has a distinctly woeful — or bored, maybe — countenance. It’s the magazine’s sardonic way of illustrating a powerful throwing down of the gauntlet by political scientist Adolph Reed, Jr. He has challenged the nation’s progressives with an article in the magazine provocatively titled "Nothing Left: The Long, Slow Surrender of American Liberals.”

His thesis flies in the face of a current spate of articles and op-ed columns touting a resurgence of progressive politics within the Democratic Party — often pointing to last year’s elections of Senator Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts and Bill de Blasio as mayor of New York City as evidence — although at the same time many of the pieces note that the wave is smashing up against a wall of resistance from the corporate wing of the party.

In a story titled, "Democrats will dive left in 2016 to distance themselves from Obama” — a headline designed to roil Republican fervor as well as impugn the opposition — the conservative Washington Times quoted Adam Green, cofounder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee: "Democrats would be smart in the primary and general election to be more populist and stand up for the little guy more on economic issues.”

In November, Harold Meyerson wrote in the progressive magazine, The American Prospect, "The constituencies now swelling the Democrats’ ranks, Latinos and millennials in particular, have created the space — indeed, the necessity — for the party to move to the left.” And Dan Balz and Philip Rucker reported in The Washington Post earlier this month. "By many measures, the party is certainly seen as more liberal than it once was. For the past 40 years, the American National Election Studies surveys have asked people for their perceptions of the two major parties. The 2012 survey found, for the first time, that a majority of Americans describe the Democratic Party as liberal, with 57 percent using that label. Four years earlier, only 48 percent described the Democrats as liberal…

"Gallup reported last month that 43 percent of surveyed Democrats identified themselves as liberal, the high water mark for the party on that measurement. In Gallup’s 2000 measures, just 29 percent of Democrats labeled themselves as liberals.”

Nonetheless, Adolph Reed, Jr., who teaches political science at the University of Pennsylvania and is a long-time student of these things, makes a compelling case that we’re hearing a death rattle more than a trumpeting call to arms.

In his Harper’s piece, Reed argues that Democrats and liberals have become too fixated on election results, kowtowing to the status quo rather than aiming for long term goals that address the issues of economic inequality. "…During the 1980s and early 1990s, fears of a relentless Republican juggernaut pressured those left of center to take a defensive stance,” he writes, "focusing on the immediate goal of electing Democrats to stem or slow the rightward tide… Each election now becomes a moment of life-or-death urgency that precludes dissent or even reflection.”

Reed says that the presidencies of Democrats Bill Clinton and Barack Obama too often acquiesced to the demands of Wall Street and the right. Of Clinton’s White House years, he clams, "It is difficult to imagine that a Republican administration could have been much more successful in advancing Reaganism’s agenda.” And President Obama "has always been no more than an unexceptional neo-liberal Democrat with an exceptional knack for self-presentation persuasive to those who want to believe, and with solid connections and considerable good will from the corporate and financial sectors… his appeal has always been about the persona he projects — the extent to which he encourages people to feel good about their politics, the political future, and themselves through feeling good about him — than about any concrete vision or political program he has advanced. And that persona has always been bound up in and continues to play off complex and contradictory representations of race in American politics.”

"The left has no particular place it wants to go,” Reed asserts. "And, to rehash an old quip, if you have no destination, any direction can seem as good as any other… the left operates with no learning curve and is therefore
always vulnerable to the new enthusiasm. It long ago lost the ability to move forward under its own steam…”

He continues, "With the two parties converging in policy, the areas of fundamental disagreement that separate them become too arcane and too remote from most people’s experience to inspire any commitment, much less popular action. Strategies and allegiances become mercurial and opportunistic, and politics becomes ever more candidate-centered and driven by worshipful exuberance about individuals or, more accurately, the idealized and evanescent personae — the political holograms — their packagers project.”

Reed concludes, "The crucial tasks for a committed left in the United States now are to admit that no politically effective force exists and to begin trying to create one. This is a long-term effort, and one that requires grounding in a vibrant labor movement. Labor may be weak or in decline, but that means aiding in its rebuilding is the most serious task for the American left. Pretending some other option exists is worse than useless.”

Web Video: Bill Moyers Interviews Adolph Reed Jr. on the Surrender of the Left
Beyond his call for rebuilding the union movement, there’s little solace in Reed’s conclusion. If Hillary Clinton decides not to run, a strong progressive candidate could emerge for 2016, although doomsayers point to the failed candidacies of liberals George McGovern in 1972 and Walter Mondale in 1984. One hope for Democrats is that, like the old joke about the two curmudgeonly brothers, the other one is worse. When it comes to the presidency at least, Republicans are even more riven and in disarray — a jousting tournament in which all the potential knights-in-chief are riding backwards in the saddle.

You can buy the March issue of Harper’s Magazine with Adolph Reed’s article at your newsstand or via their website. Or you can view Bill Moyers’ conversation with Reed in our Web Extra video.

Michael Winship is the Emmy Award-winning senior writer of Moyers & Company and, and a senior writing fellow at the policy and advocacy group Demos.
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  • Anonymous

    What exactly is a "liberal” these days? I know what I think it means. But what I think it means seems to be completely unrelated to what someone on the right thinks it means. And now the term "neo-liberal” is being thrown around by both sides, and as far as I can make out, it refers to a libertarian approach to economics that basically says, "Let corporations do anything they want.” Not exactly what I would consider a "liberal” value. When someone can call President Obama a "liberal” or a "socialist” – and keep a straight face – I think maybe the very definitions we use are either breaking down, or are so misunderstood by so many (including, probably, myself) that they have become meaningless.

    A similar observation can be made about the word "conservative,” which seems to have evolved – or devolved – into something far removed from its meaning in days of yore.

    Maybe what we need are new labels, that actually mean something, that aren’t weighed down with the baggage of the past.

  • BullMoose

    I agree–what does "liberal” mean when the term is used to describe Obama or Clinton, two Democrats who cater to big business? I think if the Democrats are going to make headway, they’ve got to champion the people. They need to reveal the flaws of libertarianism and openly stick up for the little guy, and hopefully those "little guys” will head to the poling booths in droves. I call that being Progressive.

  • Anonymous


  • Joan Harris

    Elizabeth Warren comes to mind when I think of a liberal, progressive democrat.

  • Anonymous

    "Reed concludes, "The crucial tasks for a committed left in the United
    States now are to admit that no politically effective force exists and
    to begin trying to create one.”

    I would have thought this was obvious ten years ago.

  • Arm of Keaau

    Seems to me that the conservative right has stolen the terminology along with the constitution and the nation. As the rules to the game have changed (thanks to corporations with the aid of state legislatures, congress, and the Supreme Court) and money counts more than individual freedoms, we’re not likely to see anything considered "liberally” fair and equitable. The real "Evil doer’s” have done their job well, and unfortunately we will never be the country again that so many have aspired to with regards to being free and just. (_: FBI

  • Dude

    I believe the failure of the "left” is its inability to outline programs that are economically realistic. Reed talks about free university education, income inequality, failure of the union movement. Well, who is going to pay for the tuition, the redistribution of income and the high union wages? The left always assumes there is someone else out there to pay for it’s demands. Well, what happens once you have gone through everyone else’s money? That is what a lot of people are asking that are not leaning left. The language of the left is out of touch with the average American. Their intent is good, but they offer no realistic solutions.

    The language is always about victimization, rarely about personal responsibility . Never any mention of the excesses of the union movement. All unions are good and all big business is bad. The left is perceived to be stuck in some sort of sixties time warp.

    I am not anti union. I would like everyone to have opportunity in this country, but no one is paying attention to the left because they are simply not offering economically realistic solutions. For that matter, neither is the right.

    People like Bloomberg and Corey Booker offer solutions. They marry idealism and pragmatism. Classic "left” politicians like De Blasio and Elizabeth Warren are going to get nowhere. They offer the same old tired rhetoric about how they are going to give everybody everything they want and pay no attention to the fact that their policies are going to bankrupt the government.

    Believe me, I am no fan of the right, but I am no fan of the hard left either. There is a lot of reasonable middle ground. The goal of the left and right should be to find the reasonable middle ground. There is great success to be obtained in the reasonable , realistic middle.

  • Kristopher Heinekamp

    You can’t see solutions because you’re insisting on using the lens of Capitalism.
    The far left does not advocate for Capitalism. So, when you are "looking” for solutions, you cannot see them. There are no reasonable solutions under Capitalism, and that’s why the far left doesn’t want to operate under it.

    You want an "economically realistic” goal, but you want Capitalism?
    You want to maintain the current power/wealth hierarchy and maintain the large, cumbersome Federal government.

    Capitalism allows for the consolidation of wealth, which leads to the consolidation of power.
    Capitalism is anti-democratic as private businesses are private tyrannies.
    Capitalism aims for short-term gain over long-term sustainability.

    When places of work are democratically run, and the consolidation of profit is eliminated, there is ample wealth to be spread around. With democratic control of the wealth created by labor, there is broader, deeper, real democracy. As the workers take control of their economic future, they can begin to control their lives, and they can begin to create a sustainable future that emphasizes the long-term benefits over the short-term gains.

    The far left isn’t about forcing "solutions” upon others; it’s about
    helping and allowing others to create solutions that work for
    themselves. Today, the far Left is pushing for increasing participation in political democracy, creating economic democracy, and de-centralizing power/wealth in a way that erodes and prevents the formation of hierarchies.
    The far left looks to Chiapas, Bolivia, Ecuador, OWS, and the First Nations for possibilities. I doubt you look to these people for solutions, though…

  • Michael J. Motta

    Bravo! It’s too bad we have to refer to the basic left as the "far left”, but I can understand why you do. I think it’s because American politics has shifted the center of the spectrum so far to the right that what’s center is now often considered the left.

  • Dude

    Kris: You just made my point. Nobody is going to listen to this type of rhetoric in the USA. Yes, it may go over with some people in Venezuela and Ecuador, but that is about it. Oh, and by the way, both those countries are bankrupt economic basket cases.

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