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Main » 2013 » June » 06

Israeli officials are said to be furious the U.S. inadvertently revealed over 1,000 pages of classified Israeli plans - including not just location but details like plumbing and electrical specs - for a U.S.-funded, $25 million, state-of-the art missile baseto house Israel's new Arrow 3 defense system. The leak, published in contractor bidding ... Read more »

Category: Politics | Views: 460 | Added by: LIBertea | Date: 2013/06/06 | Comments (0)

FISA court order 'broadest surveillance order ever issued' against private citizens

- Jon Queally, staff writer

Outrage and rebuke are flying after explosive news broke late Wednesday that the National Security Agency, claiming authority under the Patriot Act and using a secret court order, has demanded (and been receiving) millions of phone records from Verizon which include all the company's "telephony metadata" for all its US-based customers over a three month period.

The "metadata" being provided to the NSA does not provide individual names for each record, but is a ... Read more »

Category: Politics | Views: 562 | Added by: LIBertea | Date: 2013/06/06 | Comments (0)

Guardian Exclusive: Top secret court order requiring Verizon to hand over all call data shows scale of domestic surveillance under Obama

Under the terms of the order, the numbers of both parties on a call are handed over, as is location data and the time and duration of all calls. (Photograph: Matt Rourke/AP)The National Security Agency is currently collecting the telephone records of millions of US cus ... Read more »

Category: Politics | Views: 572 | Added by: LIBertea | Date: 2013/06/06 | Comments (0)

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