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Main » 2013 » June » 11

In recent weeks, Sunday morning network news programs have virtually ignored economic issues, instead devoting hours of coverage to the September attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya; improper targeting of conservative nonprofits by the Internal Revenue Service; controversial federal investigations of national security leaks; and new revelations about National Security Agency surveillance programs.

Large Majority Support Discussion of Jobs, Economy

Americans Prioritize Economy Three-To-One. According to a report by Quinnipiac University, 73 percent of Americans would prefer Congress to focus on economic growth and unemployment compared to 22 percent who prefer further investigations into the IRS, Department of Justice and the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya. [Quinnipiac University, 5/30/13 ... Read more »

Category: Society | Views: 526 | Added by: LIBertea | Date: 2013/06/11 | Comments (0)

It’s Not Terrorism When WE Do It

The United States is arguably the world’s largest sponsor of terrorism, although we call it "self defense” and fighting "humanitarian” wars.

But when other people – especially brown-skinned people who wear funny clothes – do the same things that we do, we label it as terrorism.

Mark Selden - Bartle Professor of History and Sociology at Binghamton University – explains:

American politicians and most social scientists definitionally exclude actions and policies of the United States and its allies” as terrorism.

For example, the American military   ... Read more »

Category: Politics | Views: 588 | Added by: LIBertea | Date: 2013/06/10 | Comments (0)

by Chris Hedges

FORT MEADE, Md.—The military trial of Bradley Manning is a judicial lynching. The government has effectively muzzled the defense team. The Army private first class is not permitted to argue that he had a moral and legal obligation under international law to make public the war crimes he uncovered. The documents that detail the crimes, torture and killing Manning revealed, because they are classified, have been barred from discussion in court, effectively removing the fundamental issue of war crimes from the trial. Manning is forbidden by the court to challenge the government’s unverified assertion that he harmed national security. Lead defense attorney ... Read more »

Category: Society | Views: 605 | Added by: LIBertea | Date: 2013/06/10 | Comments (0)

Snowden's whistleblowing gives us a chance to roll back what is tantamount to an 'executive coup' against the US constitution.

In my estimation, there has not been in American history a more important leak than Edward Snowden's release of NSA material – and that definitely includes the Pentagon Papers 40 years ago. Snowden's whistleblowing gives us the possibility to roll back a key part of what has amounted to an "executive coup" against the US constitution.

Since 9/11, the ... Read more »

Views: 513 | Added by: LIBertea | Date: 2013/06/10 | Comments (0)

by Abby Zimet

Arguing "too many people in our society have lost the respect they need to have for a police officer" - and we can't imagine why - the New York State Senate has passed a bill creating the felony crime of aggravated harassment if anyone makes physical contact with a police officer with the intent to "harass, annoy, threaten or alarm" - a term so impossibly nebulous it could apply to virtually anyone, anytime, doing pretty much ... Read more »

Category: Society | Views: 559 | Added by: LIBertea | Date: 2013/06/10 | Comments (0)

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